Please Note: We are a nonprofit, charitable legal services organization. We are not affiliated with the DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) or CFSA's Kinship Navigator.

DC KinCare and Ropes & Gray File Plaintiffs’ Opposition to DC’s Motion to Dismiss K.H. and S.K. Cases

Plaintiffs C.G.1, C.G.2, C.G.3, N.G. S.K, K.H., K.J., M.M., L.E., L.C., and T.C.1 respectfully submit this memorandum of points and authorities in opposition to the District of Columbia (“D.C.”) and the DC Child and Family Services Agency’s (“CFSA”) (collectively, the “Defendants”) Motion to Dismiss Plaintiffs’ Complaint (the “Motion to Dismiss” or “Motion”). For the reasons […]

DC Files Motion to Dismiss K.H. and S.K. Cases

Defendants the District of Columbia and Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) (collectively, the District) move to dismiss plaintiffs’ Amended Complaint with prejudice under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6).

Foster Kinship Files Amicus Brief in the KH Case

Foster Kinship contends that CFSA discriminates when it diverts children and refuses to license their kin caregivers as foster parents, which results in various harms, including being denied access to the benefits, support, and protections given to foster parents.

Judge Hogan Orders All Federal Cases Consolidated With KH Case

Judge Hogan orders six federal cases consolidated. The March 2021 cases are stayed pending rulings on the Motions to Dismiss in the KS and SK cases. Oral argument on the MTD is scheduled for July 28, 2021 at 11:00 am.  Members of the public may listen on: 1-877-402-9753, Code: 6258087#.