Child Welfare Monitor DC: Advocacy Group Files Unprecedented Lawsuit Challenging Kinship Diversion in DC
DC KinCare Alliance files federal lawsuit against DC’s kinship diversion practice alleging violations of state and federal laws. By Marie Cohen
American Bar Association: Addressing Hidden Foster Care: The Human Impact and Ideas for Solutions
Can the separation of a parent and child, without a court review or due process and often without a plan for reunification, after the insistence and involvement of a child welfare agency ever be truly “voluntarily”? By Angie Schwartz and Cathy Krebs
State of Grandfamilies 2018, Love Without Borders (Grandfamilies and Immigration)
Generations United
The Civil Gideon: The Case for a Civil Right to Counsel
Naomi Biden, Marla Spindel, and Erin Torres, DCVLP
Raising the Children of the Opiod Epidemic: Solutions and Support for Grandfamilies
Generations United 2016
A Family Right to Care: Charting the Legal Obstacles
Gerrard Wallace, GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, 3 (1)
Risks Associated with Parental Use of Phencyclidine (PCP)
Marla Spindel and Jenny Brody, DCVLP