Please Note: We are a nonprofit, charitable legal services organization. We are not affiliated with the DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) or CFSA's Kinship Navigator.
We are a nonprofit, legal services organization. We are not affiliated with the DC Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA) or CFSA's Kinship Navigator.

Special Edition: Marla and Stephanie Are Guests On The Taking Action Radio Show (WPFW 89.3FM). They talk with Empower DC’s Daniel Del Pielago about the waiting list for the DC Grandparent Caregiver Program, which has been ongoing for more than a year, and why it is important that the DC government fully fund the program and eliminate the waiting list. (February 9, 2021).

DC KinCare Alliance
DC KinCare Alliance
Special Edition: Marla and Stephanie Are Guests On The Taking Action Radio Show (WPFW 89.3FM). They talk with Empower DC's Daniel Del Pielago about the waiting list for the DC Grandparent Caregiver Program, which has been ongoing for more than a year, and why it is important that the DC government fully fund the program and eliminate the waiting list. (February 9, 2021).